Power Automate: Use Service Principal

Let\’s talk about Power Automate and how to use the Service Principal account to run your Power Automate jobs?

Why do we need Service Principal? Let suppose you have created a background automation which is using Common Data Service (CDS) triggers or actions, so its better to use service principal rather than to a specific user (because specific user may leave the company, his account can be disabled).

Following is the 3 steps guide with reference:-



  • In Power Automate use ‘Connect with Service Principal’


In case, if you have any question feel free to ask in the comments. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Power Automate: Use Service Principal”

  1. Pingback: Power Automate: Use Service Principal - 365 Community

  2. Hi folks. After creating the App User and setting as the connection for the trigger in the Flow, it doesn’t get triggered anymore. We get the error “Forbidden”. Anything we may be missing here? Or any proviledge that needs to be given to the Service Principal account?

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